Top 3 Ways to Keep Your Mental Health in Check While Working From Home

Whoever would have thought that working from home could be so stressful? I must admit that I was one of those people who thought it would have absolutely made life easier. What this is teaching me is that I was incorrect. Not only is it slightly more stressful, but you have to wear all your many hats at once instead of transitioning into different parts of your day. I don’t know about you, but I am having a hard time adjusting to this new way of living. Anyone else feeling the pressure a little more than usual? I am going to share with you the top 3 things that have helped me keep my mental health in check during this quarantine. Hopefully, they help you out too!

1.) Practice Meditation

I have never meditated in my life before being trapped in this house for weeks on end. Maybe it was that I couldn’t understand the benefits. Or maybe it was that I just didn’t know how to even start. It could even be that I just can’t get my legs to fold as they do on T.V. (Seriously guys, how do they do that?) Whatever the reason, it just was not something I would have considered part of my everyday routine. Nowadays though, I need every ounce of inner peace that I can possibly get.

What I am learning is that there are many ways to practice meditation. The key is trying different ways to see what works best for you. This isn’t something you have to spend a lot of time doing either, even 2-5 minutes a day will make a huge difference. I recommend trying a guided meditation first. Sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes, and just focus on your breathing. Allow your mind to wander, but always focus back on your breathing. Some people use calming sounds, others may just repeat a mantra such as “I am peaceful” or “I can do all things” for some examples.

Explore if you may find it easier to lay down, or sit on the floor. You can make these few minutes completely about you. I like to sit in a chair in a quiet room. I start by just breathing normally but allowing myself to fill my lungs with air and release it slowly. My mantra at this time is “I am present. I am adventurous. I am kind. This is my focus in everything I do. Before I start any new task at hand, I remind myself of these things. This is so I can set my intentions as I transition through the many parts of my day.

2.) Go for a walk by yourself

Alright ya’ll, I am not a runner. It wasn’t until the last few years that I was even someone who would work out in a gym or even think about the benefits that came from the food I was eating. With that being said, our bodies do amazing things for us every single day. We owe it to ourselves to take better care of it so it can take us to our destiny. What is the point in putting in all this work if we won’t be around to live for the dream house on the beach?

It is equally important that you take care of your mind as well. Anyone who knows me understands that I need and value my alone time because I am a person of reflection. I find it important to asses my life regularly and allow myself to set great intentions throughout my year, month, and even day. All you mom’s and dad’s out there have been granted the privilege of becoming your child’s parent, coach, friend, teacher, caregiver, and everything in between. This leaves little to no time to sit in your thoughts and focus on your goals.

Going for a walk once a day by myself has allowed me to feel as though I had time to do these things. You are greeted with fresh air and birds chirping. Sometimes the clouds are dark and you get a cool breeze. Other days it’s clear skies and you feel the sunshine on your face. Take out some headphones and go see what lies out there to greet you in your solitude and come back home feeling refreshed. It’s okay to do something just for you.

3.) Invite the whole family to partake in some kind of health challenge

Its been so hard trying to stick to any type of workout routine. The whole family is home and we finally get the chance to veg out on the couch in front of the TV and I will admit, it’s been awesome. There are other family members, colleagues, and friends that we don’t get to see right now. Social distancing has created a little bubble of home and everyone is doing their part to stop the spread of this crazy virus. Now we are forced to get creative in all of these categories.

One example of this is to use your tracking devices like Fit Bit to start challenges. You are able to invite family and friends to participate in these challenges to get everyone moving together. Grab your bikes and go on a family bike ride. Pick a fun workout video and participate virtually with your girlfriends. Hold a water challenge where everyone gets to focus on one small thing that promotes amazing health benefits. The more you can get the whole squad involved, the better for everyone.

I know it has its perks working from home. No bras should be a new thing, wearing pajamas all day is something I can get used to, and there is nothing like hearing your kiddo’s giggle as they play. Know that it is still okay to admit that there are also new challenges. Ones that we are all learning how to manage. It is our duty to share valuable tips for keeping ourselves healthy through quarantine.

Please take a moment to comment on one thing you are doing to promote healthy habits in your house! – Cynthia

About the Author


I am a 34-year-old entrepreneur, mom, and analyst.

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