Top 3 Eyeliner Tips You Should Start Using

As a fellow makeup connoisseur, I literally JUMP at the chance to learn some new tricks to save some time. As a mom of a first-grader, mornings are an incredibly hectic recurring event that requires serious planning and prep work!

My partner works the early shift, so it’s just my son and I most wake up’s. Between getting showered, brushing teeth, finding the school uniform for the day, trying to make a healthy breakfast, piecing together a decent lunch for two, making sure homework is done, grabbing the library books, (you kinda get the point) it’s really just a lot!

Then, I have a job to go to after school drop off, so I have to do something with my hair and makeup to go slay the corporate world! Any little hack to shorten that makeup or hair time up is a MOM WIN in my book!

Being a certified makeup artist, I am not satisfied with the basic or natural look every day. It totally works for some people, but when I try it people think I’m sick. Just being real. There is almost nothing that brings me more satisfaction than sitting at my vanity, music blasting, a fresh set of makeup brushes, a new palette or lip color, and 1-2 hours available to create works of art on my face. But who has that kind of time every day? I know I sure don’t!

So I will share with you my 3 best tips for flawless, bold eyeliner! If you would like to receive my full FREE guide on how to do makeup like the professionals, opt-in below! This information cost me around $300 to learn, and I’m sharing with my friends for FREE, but only for a limited time! Get access while you can!

Top 3 Eyeliner Tips

1.) Do your eye makeup FIRST, before you do your foundation and contour!

A lot of professionals will say this is backward, and to do your face first. Life experience has taught me otherwise. The first reason you should start with the eyes is that you will make A LOT of mistakes when you’re first starting out. Rightfully so because make-up is an art skill that is developed over time. If you know you will make mistakes going into it, there’s less pressure in making it perfect. It’s a whole lot easier to start over when you just got started.

2.) You Need to Buy Vaseline and Q-Tips NOW!

This is probably the single most important advice I could ever give to an aspiring makeup artist! I have been at this for a while and believe me when I tell you, NOTHING takes off eyeliner and mascara as easily as a Q-tip dipped in Vaseline. It has saved me on so many occasions, I can’t even express how much you need these in your life!

Even if you are not completely confident in going for those bold winged eyeliner looks, you can be totally confident with these around! You will draw a semi-perfect line, dip that Q-tip in a little Vaseline, and rub that Q-tip under the wing to give it that PERFECT straight line. Then use the other side to clean up any unwanted marks left. A little practice and you will LOVE to wing that eyeliner girl!

3.) Let Your Eyeliner Dry Before You Keep Going

I know I can’t be the only one who’s ever completely obliterated a beautiful eyeshadow creation by just looking up! Literally just looking around before your eyeliner dries, and ending up with a crazy black line on your eyelid and now you must start again. It’s downright frustrating and been the cause of a few of my SCREW IT moments where I just cleaned the makeup off my face and went about my business! Please, PLEASE just take my advice and let that eyeliner dry!

Whether you are new to the make-up game, or professional in your freelance career, I know these eyeliner tricks will bless you in more ways than one. Every new trick of the trade will shave off some minutes in that morning routine. That is a true gift to us moms who have little time to spare but still want to look our best. Anyone can learn to apply eyeliner in a sexy, confident way that works with their everyday look. Who needs a special occasion to slay that face? Waking up in the morning is a special occasion!

You just learned my top 3 eyeliner tips that you should start using right now! They were:

1.) Do your eye makeup FIRST, before you do your foundation and contour!

2.) You Need to Buy Vaseline and Q-Tips NOW!

3.) Let Your Eyeliner Dry Before You Keep Going

If you enjoyed reading this post, you will LOVE my free guide to doing make-up like a professional available by opting into my email list below! You won’t regret it! I am sharing everything I learned through training as well as receive some killer recommendations for the products I have grown to LOVE! Don’t miss out on this limited time offer! Over $300 worth of knowledge that I am giving away for FREE!

If you have any make-up hacks of your own to share, please put them in the comments! Help a girl out!! ~Cynthia

About the Author


I am a 34-year-old entrepreneur, mom, and analyst.

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